The Will


Victor Manuel Guzmán Villena

The will is the power that the soul has to determine, with conscience and reflection, to an act freely selected. This is precisely the art of educating the will: in knowing how to develop the faculty to direct its acts, restricting the sphere of the mechanical impulse and the empire of the whim, so that the soul is completely owner of all the energies. The human has more willpower when know how to evade the dominion of the external forces and govern vital impulses that stem from inside of their being.

A difficult thing is to find a human beings completely owner of their will. Humans generally speaking are divided into two major groups, apathetic and violent. In the apathetic group the internal impulse is almost zero, the vital forces remain buried in inaction, and their activity so weak and inadequate that almost never get in line with what is required of them by duty.this languor of spirit, discouragement into the effort is the disease of the will more universally extended and at the same time most dangerous.

In the violent ones, we all are in determined occasions under the influence of the passion, the impulse is on the contrary excessive and disorderly like an indomitable horse that does not obey to the brake.

Neither one have dominion of their will. The owner of the will is the one who during hours of apathy knows how to wake up cushioned energies, using little force to determine the advisable impulse, at the moments of disorderly excitation, is able to calm and check his/her passions, then directing the soul when is overflowed in a way of having the fecund activities.

To have dominion of the will is, then, to regulate the production and the cost of the activity, to reanimate the life when it goes out and to moderate the flame when it is intensified.

The first result of similar domain will be the manifestation and development of the personality, is possible to affirm, that barely exists one person between thousand human beings who is a person, is because, most instead of have their soul in their hands, they are being led by external influences for the blind exigencies of their sensitivity. The true dignity of the human is based on what they are and not in what they have. The mankind without willpower are not then such mankind , since neither of them are independent, nor productive, nor acquire. By the willpower people are going to get rid of his oppressors, they will become owners of themselves, recovering the freedom, consequently they are going to be moral people, rising from the state of degradation to the true greatness.

The conquest of our self demands major effort that the conquest of the others - which is showed in the history of almost all great men, the development of the personality involves the power of action and the empire of the influence on others. They will govern the world and they will own the Earth, those who have taken before possession of themselves and become owners of their acts.

Everything subdue before a firm will, even the inanimate beings and even brute force. Thanks to the perseverance at work and the tenacity in the projects, the nature disclose to the human will its secrets and their resources: therefore one has said that the genius is the undergone patience and perseverance, and is found out that the willpower does not have less importance than the talent in the most impressive discoveries and in conquerors of most adventures projects.

The intellectual value is, generally speaking result of the willpower. Two intelligences equal outcomes often get very different results, depending on the will that directs the talent in each case. The talent does not develop and invigorates but through continuous exercise. It found that in most cases, productivity in a wise person depends on the power of concentration and not having his mind divided into different things at once. put all the attention in one thing to analyze with depths thoughts give to the person more enrichment. But the constant attention is fatigues when is achieved with effort and struggle, but is the most advantageous result and perhaps the most accurate measure of willpower.

Nobody ignores that the talent depends to a large extent in the effort of the willpower; but also the organism keeps the same subordination. Therefore it cannot doubt that the will is tributary to the health, but the willpower influences as well in the health, since it regulates the organism, balances the feeding and the wearing down and tempers the excitations, which violence would be pernicious; its reach is still greater, because communicates to the organism strength, that why is justifies the therapeutic benefit indicated to the willpower.

The first condition for the exercise of the will is the functional vitality guaranteed by the hygiene, the same that has an effect of great importance that involves the conception of the moral good, accompanied of deep desire of realising it.

The moral necessity of the hygiene is not hidden to the sagacity of the old philosophy, that stereotyped this ideal in that one well-known apothegm: Mens sana in corpore sano . This element transmits the initial impression to us through nervous system, since is the conductive organ. Here the feeding plays an important role, is necessary to know how to eat in disciplined form, since on the contrary we become capricious and disorderly. The digestion badly done, the contained or insufficient breathing, the lack of corporal exercise; everything alters to the formation and the circulation of the blood; and what is worse repels in the most delicate of the organisms, the nervous system.

On the hygiene is incumbent, then, to choose and to moderate the feeding; to discard from our regime the harmful foods; to assure the good circulation of the blood and to tame muscles through exercise.

In these hygiene, in certain way, is a kind of mortification, because it does not consist of flattering the body, but in regulating it. Imposes continuous deprivations in the feeding, drink, vices and pleasures. By its nature, the austerity life recommends the hygiene and watches after the true interests of the human being.

The second condition for the exercise of the will is the creation of habits by the effort. Whereas the hygiene assures to the nervous system its functional activity; the habit is open to the currents, routes of transmission. The facility or difficulty of an act depends on the ways that it must cross from the sensible center, made an impression by the resolution, to the motor center from which the execution comes. one or another: exist direct relations between the two centers- and then the act corresponding to the impression is realised with facility or there is a completely lack of those relations , and then an arduous and complicated work prevails; effort has to do in the first an effort ti establish communications between the neurons, which until then had remained isolated, and at the same time to close with inhibition acts all avenues by which tends to escape the impulse been born from the decision.

Certain nervous joints, contracted by previous acts, must be annihilated or be neutralized by opposite impressions, in order to establish new unions by means of redoubled impulses, which by little goes through the nervous thickness, find the desired path. The suppression of old nervous joints brings the disappearance of tendencies or acquired habits, while the production of new joints, creates new habits.

Whatever form under which our activity is developed, can be distinguished three periods: the period of dispersion, in which the energy expenditure becomes without measured or order; the one of the effort, in which the movements are coordinated through a kind of a prolonged and maintained violence; and the customary one, in which the movements are executed quickly almost instantaneous and with almost unconscious facility.

The same happens in the moral order. During the period of dispersion, the will does not exist, or it is like the embryo;the desires happens with profusion and varied sum, either good, or bad follow one another profusely, but without consistency nor direction; at times violent and able to produce energetic impulses; other times weak, without force for the execution, but always without connection with a determined act; of such way, is never known which will be the effects of an impression. The beings who never leave this phase are weak, fickle and capricious; weak because they are governed by the circumstances and not by themselves; inconstant because they live at random on the external influences or the internal impressions; and capricious because they are subject to the impulses and the most contradictory actions.

In the phase of the effort is when the will is educated. The soul takes then in its hands the reins from its empire. dominates one by one the potential of its being, fixed the attention, stops the bad impulses with other good ones and reinforces the useful excitations consciously.

The third condition for the exercise of the will is the vigor of the initial impulses. How to acquire enough forces to leave victorious from this initial impulse of an action? The effort is not effective, neither open communication channels, nor creates the habit, if the sensible impression that it accompanies to the idea or desire is not quite strong enough to reach at the motor center and to put it in movement.

This observation of physiological order clarifies the distinction that establishes the psychologists, when dealing with the will, between the intellectual states and the affective ones, between the ideas and the feelings. They say the ideas: are impotent in the fight of the inclinations; the feelings, on the contrary, have a sovereign power over the will. The clear vision of the knowledge takes a little advantage of the virtue; only the favorable emotion to the good brings results in compliance.

Who does not know the weakness the pure idea? Who has not experienced the cruel disappointment of the real life, compared with the theoretical life envisioned between generous dreams?

How far from our plans of moral improvement are the incoherent picture formed by our daily actions. This is an inertia force that stops to us, or disorderly appetites those drag us. From anywhere our defeats come, we learn with pain how great is the distance that separates the image of the reality. Look at an alcoholic person; far from the temptation, cries the faults, hurts the consequences to him and it protests that will not return to prove liquor again; he trusts himself and he is considered safe; in advance counts the economic benefits of his resolution and if he is allowed to have a drink by appetizer, seems that will not be debilitated his will in this way; nevertheless, as soon as he has absorbed a few drops of liquor, awakes new appetites and crawls ashamed of himself, trampling on his projects of renovation and all plans of reform.

In order to act well, is not enough to think; we need to be moved and to be taken by the love. Only the feeling that moves the heart, communicates its impulses that prevail and overcome the apathy or wake up the favorable emotions that offset and replace the hostile emotions. How many bad actions contain the fear! How noble work is to take the love to a happy term! In this confrontation between the fear and the love, the human must incline towards the second, the love into itself and that inspires the conservation instinct, the desire for progress, the value of overcome ourselves by the effort. The love when seizes the being leads to the disinterestedness, to the sacrifice, and nothing seems to us enough to the benefit of those we loved. It is the most powerful feeling and deep like also most tenacious, the one than unites or divides humans, the one that moves more energetically the wills to the fulfillment of duty having declared by consciousness.

This feeling of action takes us to move the sensible centers and we are able to excite the motor centers and these as well the affective centers; in a word, when the currents are enough powerful to put into play all the nervous means we are at the service of the will.

In this point psychology and the physiology go in common agreement. The tactics recognized by psychologist as effective in awaking the feelings, also adopted by the physiologist to excite the motor centers. This tactics, in which resides the art of being the owners of our will, are reduced to three main means: the inner life, the outside influences and the action.

Processes of change in our lives


People wish to introduce positive changes in their lives, to have healthy behaviors, but sometimes a kind of inertia or resistance seems take place

Victor Manuel Guzmán Villena

In the present times of the technological and scientific advances , an incessant search of new forms of life makes essential to us to use the instruments of learning and the education to produce positive changes in our lives, we have to cultivate this conviction to turn it into determination.

Then, the determination is transformed into action, a strong determination allows us to make a sustained effort to implement real changes. This is the decisive factor. For example, if you want to quit smoking, the first thing is to be aware that smoking is harmful to the body. Therefore, you must be educated. But often, that learning alone is not enough. You have to raise consciousness until that takes a firm conviction on the harmful effects of tobacco. That fortifies the determination to change. Finally, we must make an effort to establish new habits. That is the process of change

To the margin of the behavior that is tried to change, the goal towards which are directs the efforts, is needed to develop a strong will or desire to do so. Great enthusiasm is needed. Here the sense of urgency is a key factor that helps overcome the problems. For example, the knowledge about the serious effects of AIDS has created in many people the urgent need to change their sexual behaviour. Often, once the suitable information has been obtained, arises seriousness and commitment.

The sense of the perenne, not only helps to overcome personal problems, but also the communitarian ones. There are several techniques to generate this enthusiasm. We must discover the potential that we have within our body, the good intentions to which can serve, the benefits and advantages of having a human form, and so on. Those discussions install confidence in us, encourages us to use our bodies in a positive form and arises the necessity to live in a beneficially way all precious moments of our lives.

Therefore we must stop the apathy that affects us, the same that obeys to biological factors, therefore is necessary to change the lifestyle. For example, sleep enough, follow a healthy diet, deviate from the vices, and this helps us to maintain a more alert mind. But there is also another kind of apathy or laziness, which arises from the weakness of the mind.

To overcome this apathy and generate enthusiasm and commitment to change negative behaviors or mental states, I believe the most effective method and perhaps the only solution is to always be aware of the destructive effects of negative behavior. Perhaps is necessary repeatedly remind those effects. But often people want positive changes in their lives, have healthy behaviors, but sometimes a kind of inertia or resistance seems to take place.

Here is necessary to use the habit in our own benefit. By constantly familiarizing with new rules of behavior we can establish them like a definitive . For example, if a person is used to rising to certain hour and soon by necessity must sleep one hour less. At first will need effort to be accustomed, with elapse time will do it without no effort, this is due to the power of habit.

In the same way, we can surpass any negative behaviour and carry out positive changes in our life. But it is necessary to consider that the genuine change does not take place overnight. In my case if I compare the present state of mind with the one of twenty years ago, I observe a great difference. But I have come to that, step by step, developing deep appreciation for the philosophical and spiritual principles, that at first seemed to me almost unnatural. All it came to me through the gradual familiarisation. In the deepest of ourselves, the mental development requires time.

I have mentioned the necessity of a high level of enthusiasm and determination to transform the mind, to make positive changes. At the same time, nevertheless, we recognize that the true change occurs slowly and may require a long time, here we have to use restraint to achieve the objectives and not leave them.

And I reaffirm that the education is the first step to produce internal transformation. Although almost everybody recognizes, except the politicians, the importance of the education, usually we ignores the role of education like vital factor to reach the happiness. Research demonstrate that the higher level of academic education contributes to happiness. and it has been shown that the height education have beneficial echo in health and protects again depression. When trying to determine the reasons of these effects, the scientists have suggested, people better educated are more conscious of the factors of risk for the health; they are able to adopt measures in favor and increase self-esteem, have majors possibilities to solve problems and also they have more effective strategies for dealing with situations.

The following step is to generate decision and enthusiasm. The educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom studied the life of some prominent artists, athletes and scientists from United States and discovered that the impulse and the decision and no their natural talent, allowed them to succeed. Therefore, is possible to conclude those are also determining factors.

Another step is the human motivation, and identifies three main classes. First it is the primary motivation, impulse based on the needs to survive. Includes the needs of food, water, air, etc. Second group needs of stimulus and information, which for some investigators they are innate and take part in the maturation and functioning of the nervous system. Finally, we have the secondary motivations, derived from needs and acquired impulses. Many of them are related to the necessity of success and power, influenced by social forces and shaped by the learning.

But the impulse and the decision should not be use to look for the success in the profane world , but developed as a clearer understanding of the factors that lead to the true happiness and are used in the search for superiors goals, like the compassion and the spiritual growth.

The effort, is the last factor of change, and constitutes an element necessary to establish a new conditioning. The idea that we can change our behaviors and negative thoughts through a new conditioning is not only shared by psychologists, but constitutes the foundation of psychology conducts: the people have learned to being as they are, so that adopting new conditioning an ample range of problems can be solved.

Although science has revealed that the genetic predisposition of the person has a clear role in the responses of the individual before the world, many believe that good part of our behave, thinks and the way we feel is determined by learning and the conditioning we are in, that is to say, by education and the social and cultural forces. And since the behaviors are reinforced by the habit, the possibility is open to us of eradicating harmful conditioning and replacing it by a useful ones in our life.

To realise a continued effort to change the behavior not only is useful to overcome bad habits, but also to change our fundamental feelings. The experiments have demonstrated that as well as our attitudes determine our behavior, an idea commonly accepted, the behavior also can change our attitudes.

The search of Happiness

Emerging from the Atlantis to the Sanctuary of the Spirit
Letter Nº 16


If you want happiness, you should look for the causes that on other occasions have produced it

Victor Manuel Guzmán Villena

The first passage in the search of the happiness is to learn to identify that the negative emotions and behaviors are harmful and how the positive emotions are useful.
We must realize the negative emotions not only are bad for each of us but also for the society and the future of the world. To know how to fortify our determination to confront and to overcome them. On the other hand, we must be conscious of the beneficial effects of positive emotions and behaviors; this will take us to cultivate, to develop and to enhance those emotions, however difficult it may be.

We have a spontaneous inner strength. Through this learning process, analysis of thoughts and emotions, gradually we are going to developed a strong determination to change, with the certainty that we have in our hands the secret of our happiness, our future, and that should not be squandered.

If we accept the principle of causality as a natural law. In dealing with reality, it necessary to consider that law. For example, in the field of everyday experiences, if certain undesirable events take place, the best method to ensure it not happen again is to try not repeated of the same conditions that produce the situation. Similarly, if one wants to have a certain good experience, what is more logical is to seek and accumulate those causes and conditions that favor it.

The same happens to the mental states and experiences. If the happiness is desired, we should look for the causes that in other occasions have produced it, and if the suffering is not desired, we have to procured that the causes and conditions do not return to appear that gave rise to it. Is very important to learn to appreciate this principle.

The hatred, envy, jealousy, anger are negative states of mind because they destroy our mental well-being; when antagonism or hatred feelings are towards anyone or when a person feels full of negative emotions, all seems hostile. The consequence is that there is more fear, greater inhibition and indecision, a sense of insecurity. These things are developed in a world that is considered hostile. All these negative feelings are developed due to hatred. On the other hand, the mental states like affability, compassion, generosity are definitively very positive. They are very useful.

To achieve happiness we must identify and cultivate positive mental states as well as identify and eliminate negative mental states, classifying the emotions simply on the basis of whether or not lead us to happiness. That means we must produce a transformation in the way of thinking, and that is not so simple. This requires applying many different factors from different directions. Some times we have the idea that there is only one secret key,a secret that if it is revealing everything will go well. but is like taking care our own body properly, takes various vitamins and nutrients, not just one or two. Similarly, to achieve happiness must use a variety of approaches and methods to overcome the complex negative states . If you try to overcome certain negative ways of thinking can not be achieved by practicing only a technique, change takes time and the application of various techniques, and we need time to take a closer look at them. this is a learning process.

As time passes, we can accumulate positive changes. Every day when you wake up you can develop a sincere motivation to think positive: "I will use this day in a more positive way. I will not waste this day". Then, at night, before sleeping analyze what has been done and wonder if that day was used as planned. If everything took place as planned we should be happy for that. If anything went wrong, regrets what we did and do a critical exam. Thanks to this method is possible fortifying the positive aspects of the mind.

The ethical behavior is another characteristic that leads to a happier existence. The great spiritual teachers, like Buddha advise us to make healthy actions and avoid actions that they are not, which depends on the degree of mental discipline. A disciplined mind leads to happiness and an undisciplined mind to the suffering, in fact, impose discipline in one's own mind is the very essence of the teaching of Buddha. Speaking of discipline must be referring to the self-discipline, not what we were imposed externally. We must also refer to the discipline applied to overcome the negative traits. A criminal gang may need discipline to commit a robbery with success, but that discipline is useless.

In conventional terms, in our daily lives, education as an important factor to ensure the success and happiness. Knowledge is not something that reaches us from a natural way. We must practise, we have to go through a kind of systematic training program. And we believe that conventional education and training are quite hard that is why so many students have the desire of reach vacation. Yet we know the education is necessary in general terms to achieve success and prosperity.

We are made to pursue happiness. And is clear that feelings of love, affection, intimacy and compassion bring happiness. We all have the basis to be happy, to access these positive states of mind that bring happiness. In fact we not only possess the necessary potential for compassion, but the basic or fundamental nature of human beings is the benevolence therefore must be recognized that although conflicts are caused by the misuse of intelligence, we can use it to discover ways that allow us to overcome conflicts. By using intelligence and goodness, all human actions are constructive. When combining a warm heart with the knowledge and education, we learn to respect the points of views and rights of the others. That is the foundation of a reconciled spirit which serves to overcome aggression and resolve conflicts.

No15 Mental Alchemy

Emerging from the Atlantis to the Sanctuary of the Spiritus
Letter Nº 15
The happy solution of the present is the prelude of a victorious future
Víctor Manuel Guzmán Villena

For the study the intelligence grown. For education shapes the soul, creates mental habits, discipline, sense of duty and responsibility; develops the spirit of observation, the judgment,the willpower. By the education learn to govern their feelings. The mankind are guided in life, rather than intelligence, by feelings from which derives their character. How can someone govern a nation, a city, directing armies or modest factory or lead a group if ignores the art of managing human emotions and passions? How can someone handle others people's feelings if they do not know the art of managing theirs own?.
From the moment of ours awaking to life, we attended the contemplation of its phenomena and the experimentation of what happen within us. Live teach us the art of handle feelings; our first learning is entirely experimental and often painful. The boy who attracted by the brightness of a flame tries to touch it and feels the pain of the burn, he learns to govern his impulses, to dominate his feelings.

Contemplation and experimentation of the life phenomena are recording psychological characters inside us and later translating in habits, if we assimilate good and imitate perfection, we are exclude the inner being of innate deformations and primitive accessories as useless ballast and we are contouring the personality with adaptable characteristics to the best fulfillment of a destiny in life and to get the happiness, supreme goal of all the human acts.

Past and Present

The current physiological phenomenon, the bodies with the organs in physical function, with the breath of life, with the faculty of movement and perception by the senses, the psychological phenomenon, that it to say, the soul in operation, with the power of knowledge, reason, intellect and imagination, with the faculty of love, desire and reject, when relationship between the inner world and its domains and the outside world and its realities, constitutes the present, the absolute thing of life, in time.

The present is not subject to measure, is a continuity, a perennial link between what was and what will be, between what happened and what will come; has the value of life itself, and this is the only thing that really interest to people at the time. The past does not exist, the future is a consequences of the present.

The present time is the most important in life is the unique thing that interests, is what we are thinking right now, is what we do now, what matters. Either your study, work, rest, and how you recreate, each one of your occupations, take care of your spirit or your body, must determine a successful solution to the present. The solution demands a happy moment of gathering forces to focus with vigor in the faculties of a momentary living.

The happy solution of the present is the prelude of a victorious future. if you are sure you are giving to the present whatever you are able to give, do not fear the future, wait with confident and optimistic. But you do not return to the past, if is not for applying in favor of the present the behavior that end in good experiences . You do not return to the ungrateful things from the past, you have to buried them definitively in non existing time. Do not obstruct the course of momentary living, do not prevent the today possible happiness, living in yesterday, regretting the errors and lost time thinking in errors that you committed, do not be sad for what could be and it was not, for what you could do and you did not do. If you feed yourself with the past, your face turns grim, your character turns angry and reserved, you will not inspire sympathy, you will not be able to gain friends nor to prosper in life.

After eliminate the memories of the past and the fears of tomorrow, the mind by means of the faculty of the imagination is more powerful than the willpower. We prove the assertion: In the insomnia, while greater it is the effort to sleep, major is the excitation and the sleeplessness. In the laughter, the more will you put to stop the uncontrollable laughter becomes more unstoppable. In the fear, for example,the cyclist, the more attempts to evade a danger that appears right towards him. But the individual that is kept awake, leaves the imagination free of dreams in being sleeping, soon falls asleep. If it is attacked of laughter, thinks about a sad event, at some point dominates the laughter. If the cyclist who sees approach the danger, imagines overcomes that , surely recovers the cold blood necessary to save it. The imagination get what is not get for the effort of the willpower.

We are really powerless to dominate with only the will the feelings of sadness, envy, greed, revenge, jealousy, frustration, etc.. those eat away our consciousness and become stronger with spontaneous rapidity once they invaded us, if the mind does not go in immediate aid of the will, opposing with the most effective reaction, which are contrary thoughts, generous, cheerful, optimistic, which is also called reflection.

The mankind is able to dominate their conscience, when we are used to govern our mind. When we are accustom to noble and pleasant thoughts, giving to our character beautiful qualities, in our face we are going to reflect equal beautiful qualities from our behavior is therefore a faithful derivation of those ideas. If it is customary to remain calm and owner of ourselves, we are going to get a ductile temperament and yet firm, which was not demoralized or disturb to the major contradictions that surprised us, nor small inconvenience and inevitable setbacks of daily life.

Many of those who believe they are unfortunate and losers of life, they got so sad condition for having made a habit of always thinking in misfortune. This unhealthy habit makes them lose accurate picture of things and the concept of proportion and thus more harmless objects taken fierce attitudes, innocent events acquire more aggressive contours and we become victims and executioners of ourselves.

The unfortunate habit of complaining, cursing our fate, believing that some invisible pursues us spoiling and ruining all attempts, is the worst ghost that can be pursued to torment our life and bitter to those around us. Here is the daily remedy to have serenity in your mind, which is faith in life and in yourself, you should always prepare for the day with the warm disposition of that goes to a celebration without preventions, misgivings, or precautions. With the intelligence open to all understanding with the memory closed to all ungrateful memories, with the will prompt to follow the good suggestions from your spirit. Through the imagination you can place yourself in the most favorable mental, moral and physical provisions. The free will means you choose the kind of thoughts that live in your mind and emotions that vibrate in your spirit. It is the secret of the mental alchemy.

How does the thought work?


We must begin to live positively attracting the positive, attracting goodness and growth then we are feeding an internal magnet which the subconscious mind is in charge


First, we have to think what means action into the conscious mind. People imagine and create. This is the first power we have awakened, this process is the first experienced by scientists in his mind. To implement a project first was the dream; second, feel the emotion of of creation, and third idealizes and then give it form. That means first is necessary to think, feel the dream to live it, meaning the imagination is an important part in our creative process that has no limits and we must give to it all the characteristics to begin to live.

The visualization

Taking like example the health. We must visualize us healthy, happy, with energy to allow us to act. Our subconscious mind begins to work in that sense, the people who have recorded in the subconscious mind positive messages are people who live positively, because the power of the conscious mind is acting, is directing their subconscious mind and it is executing.

Within this process, for example, we imagined something positive but we have an ingredient to add, that is love, we wrapped the person in that sensation of belongs to me because I love him/her. And if I love and need something and I want that realised, this intentions must affect another human being, then we are growing positively, we are doing the correct thing. Here we speak to insert the positive; but the question is how to erase the negative?

We located first it within our mind what is bad or negative and we erased it from our minds through a process of denial. For example: if I am a person that I have lived in the pain, first what I am going to do is to say, does not exist pain in my life, in my interior I can see that I am living peaceful, happy and thus I am leaving aside that reality that accompanied me until now, that is the pain, but is necessary to take into account that the internal problem is easier to solve because it is inside us, whereas the one that is outside tends to be more difficult because it has interference of those around us.

Here I potentially the source of pleasing, to work, since the happiness can be defined as to go towards known goals over obstacles not unknown. The pleasure is a positive exchange. It is the enjoyment of the work, is the contemplation of works well done, is a good book or a good friend; is adventure, hope, enthusiasm. Is what the human being does, who enjoys doing; is what the mankind does and enjoys contemplating; is what the mankind does and enjoys remembering; and can be a simple conversation on things that he/she knows that never will do.

To overcome the fear

But to overcome the bad thing it is necessary to overcome many obstacles.

First the fear of change, to the new thing ,to face the unknown, and the vast majority of human beings are stopped by the fear, since a change indicates to recognize all our system, all our negativity and positivity components to do an examination of conscience and see us as the way we are, is like stopping in front to a mirror and undressing us on the inside, but the majority of people wants to continue being blind, because they are convinced that they are in the correct path being elevated in a species of managers of the world: “I do, I think, I say, I create, and determine and the others are an error, are mistaken” and is there when we must imbued with faith in ourselves and not in those outside, that is the essence of the reality of our lives and there is the clash between those who seek the truth and those that prevent us to develop.

Everything is positive

Also it is important to feed the magnet in all of us. We attract positive and negative things. We must begin to live positively attracting the positive, attracting well-being and much growth, we are feeding the magnet that handles the subconscious mind. An exercise to feed the magnet can be in the morning when we awake to look in contemplation the outer physical surroundings and say how beautiful is that day.
To affirm that we will fulfill the objectives proposed, that the relations with the others is superb and that the people who surround me are good, that is to positively feed the magnet and work with the subconscious mind.

The allowed and the objective

This evolutionary growth in the first place alters our every day life, the familiar surroundings and friendship, since the evolutionary factor does not determine life from the point of view material objective, but rather goes to there, to a dimension that deepens and that nobody realizes that we are growing to a greater relation with ourselves, but at some time will see the results, and those are excellent, and is more we see the result in gradual form, in that one “crazy person” who gives a good concept, saying the precise word so that one feels calm, and this is common to observe in the work, and at school where governs the established discipline then is more notorious the appearance of the “crazy person” is more well-known who thinks different, wants to live to his way, in form different from the common denominator and breaks the imposed schemes and by the lack of internal growth of professors, authorities and parents of family they label that person “rebellious without cause”, without knowledge is generated that is a spiritual growth that the young person has begun to experiment.

At this point it is necessary to note the difference between what is allowed and not allowed , seeing it from the point of objectivity in judging. The Romans liked pleasure, but for Christians was a strenuous frivolity when Christians toppled the pagan state, the old Roman order took the role of villain.

Therefore, everything Roman was bad. This came to extremes so remarkable that the Romans's love for the bath made of bathing something immoral Europeans remained unclean for thousand five hundred years. The Roman rule had become a source of general pain, that everything Roman was malignant and malignant remained long after the empire was defeated.

In fact, because a set of rules can be imposed to the mankind, by our condition of thinking and for the capacity of reacting we can oppose and eliminate the prohibited in life and live to our way.