Buddhism:The perfect Enlightened


Víctor Manuel Guzmán Villena

The Buddha is a real historical character. Although he is among the leaders of the largest religions in the world, never declared himself in any way divine or supernatural. Buddhism teaches that Buddha was born as a man not as God. Attained enlightenment due to conducted research on the nature of reality; myself and the world. This enlightenment did not came through by outside intervention or mystical or supernatural forces. The Way of the Buddha is a way of critical review and the ongoing investigation into the nature of life. The Buddha taught that blind faith and devotion alone will not lead to freedom or to enlightenment, even though they are useful at a certain stage.

Siddhartha Gautama was born around 560 BC in northern India. His father, Suddhodana, was the governor of the district near the Himalayas is now the country of Nepal. Suddhodana shelter his son from the outside world and confined to the palace where Gautama surrounded with pleasures and wealth. Despite the efforts of his father, Gautama one day saw the darker side of life on a tour that tookhim away from the walls of the palace.

When Buddha left his palace for the first time and took and wear the mantle filled with yellow patches of beggars, became an ascetic and wandering holy man, determined to attain enlightenment for the benefit of the world as soon as possible. For six years leading a life under the most rigorous austerity. While he was begging day and night, said that for several weeks ate only a single grain of rice every day, be coming to starved and emaciated. Nevertheless and, in spite of his efforts he felt that the goal of the lighting was avoiding him.

The Buddhism began as an offspring of Hinduism in India. The founder was Siddhartha Gautama. It is not easy to give a precise historical account of the life of Gautama, since no biography registered up to hundreds of years after his death.

Today, big part of the history of his life is wrapped in myths and legends that arose after his death. Even the best historians of our day have several different histories and even contradictory of the Gautama's life.

What Buddha understood finally, after being at the edge of the death from starvation, is searching for the truth must first move away from the extremes of either the passion and self-mortification in order to find the way that means the moderation of the middle Way. Buddha observed that a spiritual life perfectly realized is not a carnival adventure of exhilarious increases and terrified descents.

The lesson earlier described of Buddha left for us is that the happiness and/or the Nirvana cannot be in a life of that he devotes himself, principally, to take care of the sensual gratification (more money, sex, holidays, social position, pride or any other materialistic variant on the topic of more). But, quite surprisingly, Buddha taught us also that a life dedicated to the autodenial, to the autoentreaty, the self-censorship and to the guilt, is the same way dumb and badly directed. The attachment is still the attachment, although it takes the inverse form of autodenial and auto hatred.

The primary doctrine of the Buddhism finds in the truths words or educations of Buddha gathered in the writing and known as sutras. Sutra is a Sanskrit word translated originally like "thread" or "rope". Together with the Sutra, Buddha bequeathed to us numerous oaths and monastic disciplines (known as the Vinaya) and treated (known as the Abhidharma) that explain the psychology Buddhist. These three sets of lessons form the original Buddhist canon, known as the Tripitaka, which translates as the Three baskets or Sets. These are the original teachings of the historical Buddha, in his first version written in Pali

When Buddha realized the perfect lighting, the veils of the illusion fell down of his eyes. Free of the entanglements of the desire, had finally reached the lasting happiness. With the completely open knowledge eye, the truth remained clear of “what it is”. He said that he could perceive and remember hundreds of his past lives; it knew and was comprising the intricate and precise laws of the karma and of the reincarnation; and he was recognizing the effects of the ignorance, the fidelity and the desire. Awake Buddha indicated four noble truths, which it means the facts themselves from the perspective of an illuminated one. Four Noble Truths form the nucleus of the Dharma Buddhist who is the nature of the life that all the beings face difficulties; across living illuminated through one it can come out these difficulties, turning finally in realized, in liberated and free.

Free of the entanglements of desire, had finally reached the lasting happiness. With the eye of wisdom fully opened, became evident the truth of "what it is". He said he could perceive and remember hundreds of their past lives; knew and understood the intricate and precise laws of karma and the reincarnation and recognizing the effects of ignorance, attachment and desire. The Buddha drew up the four noble truths, which means the facts themselves from the perspective of an illuminated one. The Four Noble Truths form the core of the Buddhist Dharma that is the nature of life that all beings faced difficulties; live through the illuminated one can transcend these difficulties, becoming finally, liberated and free.

Dharma: (Chinese: fa) The laws governing the universe, discovered and proclaimed by Buddha, they have not been dictated by a creator, are unalterable and are valid in themselves. There are from time without beginning. Also known as Dharma on the Teaching of Buddha. "Sending the Dharma to the world in the form of rain.

This Dharma that has only one flavor, is grown according to the abilities of each one, as well as in the forest the trees are using rainwater for its growth according to its size. The Dharma of all the Buddhas is always with one flavor, it produces perfection in the world. Through his practice gradually all reach the fruits of the Way. "

Studying the Writing Buddhists (Sutras) we learn the Dharma. The Dharma includes all the methods of practice taught by Buddha, provoking our awakening and the perception of our real nature. They are the means for an end and not the end in itself.

The mind of the living beings is different and this way also it is the Dharma needed to transform them. That's why we say that the thousands of doors of the Dharma are like the varied medicines that treat the illnesses of the living beings. The best Dharma for a being, is that one adapted to his/her nature and circumstances. None is better or worse than other.

"He makes to turn the wonderful and inconceivable Wheel of the Dharma and this way it makes to know the conduct corresponding to the Way of the Lighting (awakening), which destroys forever the sufferings of all the beings".

The First Noble Truth is the difficult life, the suffering exists. The Second Noble Truth is the life it is difficult due to the attachment, because we wish satisfaction in forms that are inherently unsatisfactory. The Third Noble Truth exists for all the possibility of liberation of the difficulties. The fourth Noble Truth: The way of realizing this liberation and lighting is taking a compassionate life of virtue, knowledge and meditation, These spiritual practices include the education of Path Eightfold towards the Lighting

It should be noted that the eight steps toward enlightenment in the Noble Eightfold Path are:

1. Right View
2. Right Intention

Ethical Conduct
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood

Mental Development6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration

Although they are listed in numerical order, the intent of Buddha was the steps being taught as a circle or as an eight-wheel spokes, with interconnecting links to help us develop the three core values of Buddhism: wisdom, ethics and meditative conscience.

The wisdom, ethics and meditative conscience known as the three trainings or superior lighting. being inseparable, they complement each other as a tripod or as the three sides of a single bright jewel. The awakening of our inner Buddha depends on achieving these qualities in our life.


Only the one who manages to conquer all theirs wishes reaches the Nirvana, the entire lighting, and after a dead person is not reborn again, but enters the parinirvana, finishing thus with any earthly suffering. The Nirvana is reached following the way of the liberation, in a simple life dedicated to the meditation and completely liberated of the weight of both, the vices and the virtues.

Nirvana is an eternal state of being. It is the state where the law of karma and the cycle of rebirth come to an end. It's the end of suffering, the state where there is no desires and the individual conscience comes to its end. Although to our western minds we could dream like the annihilation, the Buddhists would object such an idea. Gautama never gave an exact description of the Nirvana, but his most nearby answer was this.

"There is that dimension where there is neither earth, nor water, nor fire, nor wind; neither dimension of the infinitude of space, nor dimension of the infinitude of consciousness, nor dimension of nothingness, nor dimension of neither perception nor non-perception; neither this world, nor the next world, nor sun, nor moon. And there, I say, there is neither coming, nor going, nor stasis; neither passing away nor arising: without stance, without foundation, without support [mental object]. This, just this, is the end of stress."

For many the Buddhism is a religion, others affirm that it is a Science of the Mind, also it is considered to be a Philosophy of the life and some of them adopt it like a Psychological Therapy.

Buddhism focuses on the mind, and is an effective therapeutic way to deal with the problems of life.

Buddha reached the lighting in the twinkling of an eye and founded the first religion without God. God exists but we can not know Him. Just knowing ourselves, we can get to Him.

The Esoteric Egypt

Víctor Manuel Guzmán Villena

Consecrated writers of the classic antiquity like Herodotus, considered the father of history; Plutarch, the teacher of portrait and the biography and Pythagoras, of the mystery of the numbers, speak to us of Egypt like a culture highly advanced, wise and deeply initiatory in the strict esoteric. And in the middle as the essence or substratum it was the unsuspected world of the ritual sacred magic and that was not another thing than the intuitive process that led to the different sciences and that started from a fundamental statement which recognized the man in four existential levels: the animal body, the intellectual body, the astral body or sublimated and the essence of life.

Ancient Egypt

The history of ancient Egypt can be divided into three periods: Old, Middle and New Empire. To realize its historical importance and initiatory the Old Empire dates back to 5 thousand years before our era, was centered spiritual and the sacred city of Memphis. The Middle Kingdom had its spiritual center in the city of Thebes, ranging from the XI until the Dynasty XXI, spanning 25 centuries and was destroyed by hordes of nomads from the famous Hittites.

The New Empire had its center of spirituality in Sails, the famous city of palm trees, where stands the personality of the pharaoh Ramses II, and the dynasty of pharaohs Senusret, who built and rebuilt Egyptian power who endures through time in his major monuments located on the banks of the Nile. Then came the ultimate decadence with the occupation and of Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria. After the death of Cleopatra, last queen of Egypt (XXXI Dynasty), the country was completely dominated by Rome.

Deep knowledge

Egyptian civilization was not built randomly and without any archetypes; quite the contrary all these sacred monuments testify deep knowledge of plane geometry, geometry of conical space, physical corner and a higher metaphysics consciousness.

The ancient Egyptians were a superior race where it was developed powers that now we call them supra-normal and that is the undisputed hallmark of who bears the flamboyant star of a superior consciousness, and to give exact example we have the pyramids, whose construction only could be done for those who knew and dominated the psychic power, who came to know the dematerialization intimately linked to the geometry of a conical space nonlinear but spherical. And the same provision in the construction of the axes of these pyramids testified in impeccable shape over all, a thorough knowledge of astronomy similar to the advanced science of the Mayans.

The passage from the entrance to the burial chambers of the pyramids were watching or oriented towards the polestar which occupied - by that time, a very different place from today, and if so, is accepted that they should know the retrograde movement of the equinoxes which implies that the Polar Star re-match with the same location after a period of 25,796 years, the exact duration of those cultures that few know with the name of Atlantis and Lemuria and dividing the globe at that time in only two hemispheres and , we are told - in the famous tales of Plato, whose contents are loaded with mysticism and occultist revelations as are the dialogues Timaeus-, that our planet was accompanied by two moons, a phenomenon that he had to do much with the lengthy periods of time in which they were presented the race of giants and of which the Bible refers to Samson, Goliath, Holofernes and all others.

The Egyptians personified all the forces of nature. The people educated in science or initiatory Theosophical revelation worshiped the god Ra, or the solar force, and that warranted to know beforehand the esoteric prayer to Isis. Amon meant in theirs believes the sun that brought to mind the idea of a circle without beginning or end, that later gave principles for the philosophical statements of the eternal return, philosophical idea of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

Sub was called the land, Nut was called celestial space, a symbol of water, crocodiles Thipon next to the sacred meant sin. But all these elements unified in a philosophical monotheism which called Amon Ra, it means the sacred name of the divine sun, the perpetual light, the Fiat Lux spoke to the Bible, or the light mercury, active in the process of medieval alchemy . Amon meant veiled or hidden to the profane curiosity of the hidden splendor, just visible in the light of the initiated mystics of higher consciousness, mystical delegates to the heirs of Memphis, Heliopolis, and Elephantine Says.

Esoteric initiatory

The secret science of Egyptian initiation esotericism is represented by a candle and a snake, these two characters had a significant meaning, one for the magnetic force or the vital fluid and the other to the principle of good or principle of evil.

The snake so weakened in the biblical cosmogony is far more noble and mysterious. The snake is hidden in the ground, the man is hiding in his own conscience, internalized, searching for the auto-realization. The snake away from the means of sin or fall, means the spirit of divine science. Birth of the egg and makes this allegory intimate relationship with a man born of the egg from her mother's womb, with their spirit can rise to the field of secret knowledge.

On the other hand the snake represents the man who is dragged into the misery of the sexual world or material, but that can raise their intuition to levels unimagined. The snake often changes its skin, almost cyclical, and this is the most obvious fact that we have at hand to talk about the mankind like the serpent is a mutant in different degrees of awareness, while the flamboyant star further illuminating the sixth chakra at the center of the man.

And finally the snake like divine animal; to the esoteric Egyptian religion, for its habit of wind in itself tells us that what ended can start again, that is the axiom of the Catholic Church that with the death culminates the life is without use The death does not exist simply because the conscious life of mankind is transformed.

The sailing ships that is driven by wind the energy is invisible but with invisible material power, according to this, the magnetic force, the flowing electricity or electroplasm is not what you see, do not have corporeality, is not with real physical appearance, however their influence, their use is real and indisputable.

The sail, one that is the natural engine of locomotion in marine vessels symbolizes the healing magnetism that had its origins in ancient Egypt and that is only the normal transposition of vital force or electro plasmatic fluid escaping from the hand and projected upon the recipient. The head at the magnetism is regarded as the generator, as the highest coil of the human psyche, and here the Egyptians were undoubtedly deep knowledgeable and scholars of different modalities like the magnetic force present in the electro plasma egg of human beings, under the action of force contrary to the polarity.

What is the power contrary to the polarity? It is the existence of the forces positives and negatives, and if is referred to the Bible, the man being taken from the dust of earth and means negative polarity that corresponds to the right side of his body, while the woman taken of the first rib below the source of life that is the heart of man, and belongs to the left side that is the force of life, the divine spark, the positive pole, the distribution of the magnetic fluid is not a simple hands imposition, given that, we must remember the ceremonial dress of the Egyptian pharaoh who had a helmet and that its top was projected as a figure of snake, and we have these characters in the various museums and for whom that have the inside look can read that the head is an accumulator of psychic energy that is always transform by the arm and left hand.