Patience to learn how to live


To live is the art of being happy and patience is the art of knowing how to live


To the few weeks after to be born, the birds fly, the ducks swim, the cats leave to hunt. To the fifteen minutes of to have come to the light, the bull calf already puts itself standing up and begins to walk behind its mother. They do not need to learn to walk, to fly, to swim, to hunt. By the mere fact to exist, they have all the means necessary to defend themselves and to survive. It would be possible to be said that all the techniques come elaborated in the entrances of their organism; they bring them learned without the need for training: is their instinctive tools that leads them to the roads of the survival.

It does not happen thus to the human. Once been born, the human creature is the most helpless being of the creation. Everything must learn; with the particularity of which the instinct works spontaneously, almost mechanically; however, the use of intelligence estimates risks, because it forces the mankind to realise a complex process of analysis, comparison, exclusion, option, which involves substantial uncertainties and unpredictable emergencies. And by this way a tasteless visitor reach us,, as a shadow never again separates from our side: The anxiety

Learning the art of living does not end when the human reaches his majority of age, or when get an academic degree to pursue a profession and to be autonomous. Because to live it does not consist of gaining the material daily living or forming a home. What get to the person to have secured a solid economic situation, have been educated or to form a home, if their hearts continues agonizing in a deadly sadness?

To live is the art of being happy. And to be happy is to free ourselves, in major or minor degree of anxiety, however, will follow the human steps until the final frontier.

Art of living consist, then, in a progressive overcoming of the human suffering, by this way, is a gradual conquest of the peace of mind, the serenity of the nerves and peace of the soul.

But it is not necessary to think that this happiness can be obtained by art of magic or like a Christmas present. If to obtain a university degree or to mount a prosperous company the human has needed long years of effort, certainty, discipline, methodology and mainly tenacity to all test, that nobody would dreams about bending the hand of anxiety or winning the battle with the suffering and put the mind to rest, with a sporadic and superficial work.

When we decided to get patience, means effort, order and dedication practicing auto control, relaxation and meditation.

We will not achieve anything just by to read this Letter or to shelter within us good intentions; is essential that the wishes are transformed into convictions, and the convictions in decisions. The decisions, as well, must lead us to rearrange a program or activities to give meaning to our lives.

This sense of the life is a value that gives value to the other values such as; the words, attitudes, reactions, covered with the color and brightness of the joy that is the feeling of fullness ,then in the autumn of our years we can return our glances back to exclaim that this adventure was worth for us.

The central objective of a life will not be achieve without the methodical and orderly dedication . In order to be able to drive away the shades and to give rise to the joy is essential to undergo an exercise in self-control and meditation throughout our life.We must no forget that life is a imponderable mystery; it is an exercise executed at different moments produces different results in a same person. Life is essentially illogical, because it is essentially in movement: oscillating movement of ups and downs often without clue of the causes that originate so amazing swing.

We must not forget that life itself is not easy to comprehend and is a imponderable mystery, is an exercise carried out at different times produce different results in the same person. Life is inherently illogical, because it is essentially in movement: oscillating movement of ups and downs, often without sight of the root causes in this disconcerting swinging.

When human beings have reason to jump for joy, are depressed. Suddenly in a blue day, their soul is cloudy and on cloudy days their soul is in light blue. There is no logic. A person burning with desire to conquer that dream , and when achieved the dream remains unfulfilled with a disappointment. Suddenly when business are a success, the mood is on the ground, and when, around everything is a disaster and in ruins we do not know what gift stimulates the inner self with courage to continue fighting.

Patience, is the art of knowing, means to have consciousness that human nature is just like that. We must begin to accept it as it shows , not to be scared when the results are not proportional to the efforts or when the effects have been strangely unpredictable.

Flow of Thought


Victor Manuel Guzmán Villena

The knowledge allows the mind to think and look beyond what we already know. It allows us to see farther, to the perimeters of all that exists and grow in the ability to receive a broader identity to "transform".


Our physical body is surrounded by a field of light called aura or "auric" field. The aura is the spirit of our being. A part of the aura is the powerful positive and negative electromagnetic field. Beyond this field there are no divisions, but a sphere of indivisible light of pure energy.

The light sphere allows to the whole thought of the knowledge to flow across this field. The thoughts that will become known by us are determined by a thought process, since the electromagnetic portion of our aura drags to the thought towards us in accordance with our way of thinking.


The conscience is constituted by all the thoughts that come from all the entities and from all the things. The thoughts that form the conscience have different electrical frequencies. Some of them are thoughts of low or slow frequency, here predominantly related to the social conscience.

Others are thoughts of more high frequency: the unlimited thoughts of the super conscience. The conscience is the sum of all the different values of frequency of the thought.

The social conscience is a thickness of electrical frequencies of thought, and nevertheless it is lighter than the air. The thickness of the social conscience is constituted of expressed thought.


The thoughts of high frequency of superconscience are those of the being and the life: harmony, unit and the continuity. There are the thoughts of love. There are unlimited thoughts that go, really beyond the expression even of the words, since the feelings of the unlimited thought are over the adjectives.

These thoughts can be experienced more easily in the conscience of the nature, far from the stagnant thought of the man; because there the life is simple, it always continues, without the existence of the time and in complete harmony with itself. There far from the judgment of the men, it is possible to hear the beating of our own knowledge.


The electromagnetic portion of our aura attracts the thought up to us in accordance with our way of thinking and our emotional state of being. So that the thought could feed, first it must be reduced up to the light frequency. Once the thought finds the spirit of our being, the aura that surrounds our body explodes with light.

The thought ignites, thus the light has attracted towards itself what resembles it. The thought that is invisible becomes visible thought this explosion of light.

The thought in the shape of light, enters our brain and is transmuted into a propulsion of electrical light of a given frequency, in accordance with the value of the thought that is being received.


The skill that possesses our brain to receive different thought frequencies is controlled by the pituitary gland, which stays between the hemispheres of our brain.

The pituitary one is responsible for activating the different parts of our brain to receive and to store the different frequencies of the thought. It is the door that opens our aptitude to meditate and to reason with the thought, doing it trough our body and to express it with experience for a major understanding.

Our brain is governed and controlled by the functions of the gland pituitary or called the "third eye", across which a complex hormones system flows. It is a gland of internal secretion, it segregates a hormone that flows for the brain up to the mouth of the pineal one, which is another endocrine gland responsible of amplifying the frequencies of the thought so that these could be sent across the body.

This flow of hormones between the pituitary and the pineal is what activates all the sections of our brain to receive and accommodate the different frequencies of thought.

The body functions are kept in harmony through the flow of hormones that result from these glands and it gets in the blood. The pineal gland is responsible of maintaining this harmony. It flow activates other glands to segregate its hormones and to create the hormonal balance.


When thought goes trough our aura, this one does not define it, or does not judge or alters such thought; accepts it unlimited. When the propellants of the thought come to the brain, they traveling first to the superior left hemisphere, there reside the functions of the intellect or reasoning and the false ego expresses itself.

Every frequency of the thought that the false ego allows to enter in the brain, is transformed into electric current and sent that portion to the brain. This portion of the brain then amplifies the current and sends it to the pineal system.

The pineal system governs our central nervous system. It receives every frequency of the thought and amplifies and impels it through the central nervous system, which runs along the spine as if it was a freeway of electrical thought. The electric current that comes from the pineal system flows across the liquid of the central nervous system going down for the column, and then for every nerve up to each cells of the body.

The Divine Comedy



Science, art, skill, myth, magic, anyway, all the figures of the human action; there are fragments curdled with the overflowing force of imagination that humanizes the real thing and humanizes the human being. For the historian or theorist, direct or indirectly , the literary information like intensification of the experience, it constitutes an important reservation of reflection, suggestion and implications.
Justify Full
The human being is capable of being located in the world in the moment that symbolizes, this symbolization capacity happens because they imagines and generates an attitude ethics- esthetics before the world.

I have wanted across this writing to use the literature as a tool to explain an imaginary space of the middle age that has been a masterpiece. Therefore I do not pretend to make a critical analysis of the literary work but an exercise of imagination in space through his poetic narrative; the images that shape it serve as guide to enter the multidiversity of spaces that presents to us the world of Dante Alighieri, who was a staurofílax.

The Canto IX of the Hell,verses 61 to 63:

You that have the healthy intelligence
observe the doctrine that hides
under the veil of these enigmatic verses

These verses are in the Ninth Singing, an important number for Dante, then, as he affirms in all his works, Beatriz is nine, and nine, in the medieval numerical symbolism, it is Wisdom, the Supreme Knowledge; the Science that explains the world to the margin of the faith.

Also, this mysterious affirmation finds between the verses 61 and 63 of the Canto, the sum of whose digits is seven and nine. The hell has 9 circles,where the souls of the condemned according to their sins, the purgatory seven cornices and the paradise, again nine circles.

The Divine Comedy is a poem where the real life is mixed with the supernatural one and shows the fight between the anything and immortality; a fights where three kingdoms overlap, three worlds, achieving a sum of multiple visual that are never contradicted or annulled. Three worlds hell, purgatory and paradise reflect three ways of life of the humanity, in them there are reflected the vice, the passage of the vice and the virtue, the condition of the perfect men.

Dante enters in the Fidei d’ Amore in 1283, at the age of 18, shortly after his theoretical meeting with Beatrice. The first one happened in Vita Nuova, when they had both nine years. The Fidei d’ Amore was constituting an secret society interested in the spiritual renewal of the Christendom. Here we are speaking of an epoch in which the corruption already does notch in the church of Rome: wealths, power, ambition. It was the epoch of the papacy of Bonifacio VIII of terrible memory. The Fidei d’ Amore was trying to fight this depravity and return the Christianity to its first purity.

It is said, even, that the Fidei d’ Amore, the Holy FEDE and the Franciscans were three branches different from the same Tertiary Order of the Templars. Dante was formed in the Franciscans and always maintained a close relationship with them.

There was integrating the Fidei d’ Amore the poets Guido Cavalcanti, Cino da Pistoia, Lapo Gianni, Forese Donati, Dante himself, Vitorio Manuele Guimani, Dino Frascobaldi, Guido Orlando and others. Guido Cavalcanti, who always had reputation of extravagant and heretical was the Florentine chief of the Fidei d’ Amore and it was the one that admitted Dante into this secret society. Like educated men, as intellectuals of a new medieval society in development, they were unconformist and they denouncing loudly the ecclesiastic immorality and the attempts of Rome for there prevented the nascent freedoms and the scientific knowledge.

First of all we are going to give some guidance on his work. It is composed of three parts: the hell, the purgatory and the paradise. Each of them was published separately, although being part of the whole.

The Divine Comedy should be read in code and has exactly 33 Cantos (signings). Each of these Cantos has exactly 115 or 160 poems, the sum of whose digits is 7.

The 3 parts, hell, purgatory and paradise end up exactly with the same word "star" in the astrological symbolism is number 5 and allegorically pt represents the human being. And this is only a small part of the mysteries that the work contains.

It is then across the vicious ones, penitents and good that the life is revealed in all theirs forms, miseries and deeds, but also there appears the life that is not, the death, that it has its own life, like as a mixture raised by Dante who becomes an architect of the universal and sublime.

The subject of the comedy is the man of all races, creeds, ages; the man who is between the sky and the ground, which essentially is the state of the souls after the death and the form in which they express themselves for their merits or demerits, they become therefore deserving of the punishments or of the divine rewards. Dante uses both of Biblical personages and of beings extracted from the pagan mythology for the creation of his personages, mixing them in the passages indistinctly.


According to his comments he traveled to the hell at the age of 35. The poem begins on the night before Good Friday in the year 1300, "halfway along our life's path" (Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita). The hell that is presents to us has the form of funnel or of inverted cone, which is divided in decreasing circles. The circles are nine, ruinous and atrocious topography; the five first ones form the High Hell, four remaining ones the Low Hell, which is a city with red mosques surrounded by iron walls.

For Aliguieri the hell is descending from the borealis or northern surface narrowing gradually up to the Earth; this connotation that the author does on the Lucifer space comes off the Earth center to the ground inwards, taking into consideration that the penumbras represent the evil, below that then it was not turning in above, it is taken as not wished; below the man the unique thing that exists is undesirable.

Now then, the handling that the author does of this space is more descriptive than in the purgatory and the paradise. It is based on the planning of the medieval city and on the behavior of the human beings of this epoch; the imaginary space of the hell is more tied to the reality, that why he uses some medieval references in the description of some circles, which are typical architectural spaces, like the door of the hell or the city of Dite. This helps us to understand that Dante had discovered the hell in the space that he was inhabiting every day.

The second circle is inhabited by the lustful ones and the persons who sin for love, using it for proper good. Minos judges the souls and immerses them in a big maelstrom that overwhelms them in the absolute solitude.

In the third circle there are the gluttons put in the mud, the haughty ones and the envious ones; flogged on the ground for a strong rain: The Thunderstorm: and skinned by a brain of three heads “The Cerberus”. Dante meets Ciacco and they speak about the discords of Florence.

The fourth circle is the circle of bountiful and greedy, hitting and mocking some with others, they are dragged by enormous weight; here the clergymen, popes and cardinals are covered by a spring of dark waters that generate a marsh.

The fifth one and the sixth circle are shaped by the walled city of Dis surrounded for a lagoon that locks up great fetidity; its entry highlighted by a big door, part of the wall of iron; here the proud ones are, the heretics, free thinkers and the materialists.

The seventh circle watched by Minotaur. It is divided by three circles full of stones and surrounded by a big blood river. From this space every circle begins having divisions that lodge a sorrow in particular, for example the damned spirits that are divided in three: the violent, the abusive and the usurers.

The eighth circle concentrates the fraudulent ones. It comprises ten pits. The first one of the hooligans and the seducers; the second one of the flatterers and courtiers; the third one the simoniacs; the fourth pit the fortune tellers, here Virgilio explains to Dante the origin of “Mantua“; fifth pit those that they deal with the justice; sixth pit the hypocrites; the seventh one the thieves; eighth pit the advisers made flames. Here they explain Ulysses's tragic end; ninth pit the scandalous, schismatic and heretics; the tenth pit the tricksters and forgers.

Ninth Circle is destined for the traitors. It comprises four enclosures. Before arrive to it, there is a well surrounded with giants. Anteo takes the poets to the fund of the ninth circle. In the ninth circle and last, there are the giants, brutal and inert masses that are buried in the ground, confused with towers. Inside it there is a well of four different areas oppressed by thick ices, in it there is the builder of the Tower of Babel who prevented to the world from speaking the same language. In the center of the ground, between ices that wrap the grounds, is Lucifer with half a body out of the glacial surface, chewing Judas like
a plastic toy.

The first enclosure, the Caína, for the traitors to theirs relatives; the second enclosure, the Antenora, traitors to theirs homeland; third enclosure, the Plotomea, the traitors to theirs friends and guests; the fourth enclosure, the Judesca, the traitors to theirs benefactors.

It is interesting that inside the western culture we have always had a conception of the hell full of flames, on the other hand for Dante, ice, caves and the darkness is the Lucifer house.


Nine are the circles of the hell, nine are the patios of the purgatory and nine the stars that shape the paradise; adding up three times three gives nine, which ratifies the importance of the number three in the catholic religion, like the divine Trinity, the three blessing, etc.

In other initiation schools the perfection is 3: it is the unit between the knowledge, force and beauty.

After Dante and Virgilio descend for nine circles of the hell and being in the Lucifer home, they climb for a formed mountain of nine patios that are restricted up to the summit.

In this space, Dante begins already taking material references of the earth and goes back more towards the sense of the nature,is because of it for him, the mountain is the beginning of a big passage towards the sky, where the sorrow can be purged.

The mountain is an island and it has a door; in his hillsides there are staggered patios that mean the mortal sins; the garden of the Eden blooms in the summit, the spaces divided into their interior are:

The first Platform: Dante supported by Virgilio arrives to a platform where the negligent persons are.
Door of the Purgatory: Dante's vision during his sleep; to his awakening he is in the third landing of the mountain, where there is the door of the Purgatory, watched by an angel.

The first circle where the sin of the pride is purged and the proud ones are punished.

The second circle where the envy is purged.

Third circle where the anger is purged. Dante sees in delight some examples of docility. The poets are surrounded with a thick smoke.

The fourth circle where the sin of the indolence is purged. Dante sees in his imagination examples of punished anger.

Fifth circle where the sin of the avarice is purged. Dante's vision punishing the greedy ones.

Sixth circle where the sin of the gluttony is purged and some examples of restraint appear. Stacio explains his permanence between the misers and the lazy ones.
(The seventh circle). Eighth circle a voice gone out of a tree remembers examples of gluttony. An angel guides the poets, Dante and Virgilio to the Ninth Circle.


In this space Dante says goodbye of Virgilio (The knowledge and the Poetry) and meets Beatrice (The Theology) who accompanies him in his trip. Place characterized by celestial spheres moved by angelical choirs that take place of four basic elements: air, fire, water and earth.

The paradise is conformed by nine skies and the god's city; each of them is a sphere that surrounds the earth. The seven first ones were the well-known planets, the eighth one the solar constellations and fixed stars and the ninth one was determined by a crystalline sky that remains immobile, where the paradise is.

The first seven skies or spheres symbolize 7 theologian virtues that are a part of the exploration of the paradise through moral and spiritual considerations.

The first sky: That of the moon (fortitude). Beatrice explains the cause of the spots in the moon.

The second sky: That of Mercury (justice). Beatriz explains the way of satisfying the votes that have been broken.

Third sky: Sphere of Venus (restraint) where the souls of the lovers are. It is show here how a vicious son can be born of a virtuous father.

The fourth sky: That of the sun (prudence). Saint Tomás de Aquino exposes the order with which god created the universe.

Fifth sky: That of Mars (faith), where there are the souls of those who have fought for the faith.

Sixth sky: That of Jupiter (hope), where there are those who have administered properly the justice. Cacciaguida names to many of the spirits that compose the cross.

The seventh sky: That of Saturn (charity) where forming an ascending scale, there are those who devoted themselves to the contemplative life. Satire against the luxury of the clergy in the medieval epoch.

Eighth sky: Descent of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary to the eighth sky. Coronation of Virgin Mary for the Archangel Gabriel. This sky is shaped by the constellations, handles a clearly mystical and doctrinal scene, where there meet the splendors of the sky and of the earth.

And the last sky: Called the first mobile. Apostrophe of San Pedro against the ecclesiastic villains. Guarded by nine angels that rotate around a distant luminous point there is the Dante's paradise that symbolizes the god's city: the triumphant church.

The city of god: The Divine. Triumph of the angels and of the blessed.

Beatrice does that Dante fixes his attention in the god's city.